LUKE: My wild swimming journey started thanks to my wife, Dominique. When I met her, one of the things on her bucket list was that she wanted to swim in the Pier to Pub in Lorne, which is one of Australia’s most popular open water ocean races. A lot of the sea swimming we do here is in bays but this is a true open water event with the risk of unfriendly fish and big currents - it’s high stakes stuff. Naturally Dominique was quite nervous about it so I said, “I'll swim with you.”
We did a trial event together and I have to say, I felt like I was going to die the whole time. My ego was crushed because I thought I was a lot better than I was. It turns out that middle-aged men are incredibly competitive as far as swimmers go! But I just came out of this water thinking, “That was the best thing ever!”
That’s when I decided that I wanted to swim what’s known as the Rip, which is a stretch across the heads of the Port Phillip Bay. In my previous life as an extremely accomplished liar, I used to tell people I’d swum it so as part of the process of forgiving myself I decided I wanted to do it for real.